Our vision as a church is (in part) that every believer becomes a faith trainer. While this requires taking the role of a leader, many resist the idea of leadership for many reasons. As we continue in our series entitled Good News Everywhere, we are going to encounter a very unlikely leader who gives us every reason to believe that we can all be faith trainers in “Jesus in the Fugitive.”
MESSAGE STUDY NOTES (also as PDF download above)
Where have you been considered a leader – officially or unofficially? What was that experience like?
Exodus 2:1-15, 5:1, 21:23-25; James 4:6; Luke 9:31; Philippians 2:7-11
1. Must understand their slavery
2. Are prepared through suffering
3. Are prepared through powerlessness
What to do:
1. Become hyper aware of idols in your life
2. Choose to see suffering as training
3. Embrace powerlessness and serve others
1. Moses’ idol was his ego. What idols in your life clamor for your worship?
2. What suffering has shaped who you are today?
How do you think God can use your suffering as a means of making you a leader (faith-trainer)?
Why do you think God chose Moses to lead and what does God’s choice for leadership reveal to you about his will for you?