
2 Kings 6:8-23

The king of Israel found himself in the perfect position: his enemies were at his mercy. So, how does he respond? This powerful story speaks to the reality of living in 2023 by telling us something of the character of God and our calling as those who claim to follow Jesus today. Come this Sunday and hear “Jesus in the Capture,” part of our Good News Everywhere Series, and be filled with awe at the kindness of the King.

MESSAGE STUDY NOTES (also as PDF download above)

How much time do you spend on social media? Why?

II Kings 6:8-23; John 9:39-41

1. We all suffer from spiritual blindness
2. We’re blind to our blindness
3. We’re blind to the cause of sin
4. We’re blind to the one we need to see
Two ways humans show distrust for God:
1. Rebellion
2. Obedience
As followers of Jesus:
A. We respond to our enemies with grace
B. We expect pushback
C. We cannot play favorites

1. How well do you think Christians do in showing grace to enemies?     Provide examples.
2. Why is revenge so tempting?

What “enemies” do you think God is calling you to show grace toward these days?

What “blindness” do you still suffer from? What do you think God is asking you to do about it (if anything)?