
1 Kings 18:20-35

This was it. The ultimate showdown. Followers of the false gods Asherah and Baal on one side and one lone prophet of Israel’s Yahweh on the other. High on a mountaintop and hundreds of years before Jesus, this was to be the decisive victory for Truth. Today we are going to see that this was no random “good versus evil” battle, it was meant to be a prophesy that pointed the world toward the Messiah. Come and hear “Jesus in the Falling Fire,” part of our Good News Everywhere Series.

MESSAGE STUDY NOTES (also as PDF download above)

Talk about one good fire and one bad fire you experienced

I Kings 18:19-40; Amos 5:1; Isaiah 66:5; I Thessalonians 1:10

Human Flourishing: The Basics
1. We must choose truth
2. We must recognize whether we worship a false god
3. We must worship the one true God
“All religions are the same”: A. It makes no sense, B. It is a denial, C. It is intolerant
- to deny my desires is to harm me
- I need to cut off or distance myself from anyone who disagrees with me
- I decide what is right and wrong
- I must right the wrongs done to me

1. In light of this message, how might your prayers for “fire” be different?

2. What part of selfism is the most tempting to you right now? Why?

How would you respond to someone who said all religions are the same? Why?

What false god has the Lord been revealing as an object of your worship?