
Exodus 20:3-5, Joshua 24:14-15, Psalm 71:1-8

Connect Group
Study Notes

"Hope For The Addicted"
Strengthening Mental Health Series
June 24, 2018

Warm up
Where is your favorite beach?

Exodus 20:3-5, Joshua 24:14-15, Psalm 71:1-8

Message Recap
Main idea: God Replaces Addiction

Idols people in churches serve: pleasure, power, love

What can we do?
1. Foster a dependence on God
2. Foster a connection with people

Questions for discussion
1. Do you agree with Dr. Henry Cloud that “virtually every emotional and psychological problem, from addictions to depression, has alienation or emotional isolation at its core?”
2. Do you think the Church can help with addiction in a unique way? Why or why not?


  • Of the addictions mentioned, be honest: Was there one that God spoke to you about?
  • What are you prepared to do differently (if anything) to address the idols you worship? How could your group help you?