Kid's Church is available for ages 2.5 to Grade 8. Sign in your child at the kiosk in the foyer upon arrival, then bring them into the auditorium to join with us in multi-generational worship! Children will be dismissed from the auditorium after the opening music set..
Nursery: Newborn-2 yrs
Pre-K: 2.5-4 yrs
Early Elementary: K-Gr 3
Preteen: Gr 4-8
Offering is not taken during the service. There is a metal lockbox on the wall at the back of the auditorium to deposit tithes and offerings at any time. If you are new and would like a donor number for tax purposes, let the office know. For further giving information including digital options, visit our GIVING page.
Communion is celebrated together every week. You will be invited to go to one of the stations in the auditorium to receive the juice and cracker (the "elements"), and then take them back to your seat. Once everyone is served we will be guided to partake together. Those with mobility challenges can have the elements brought to your seat.
Enjoy fellowship and a coffee on us after the service!
If you are unable to attend a worship service in person, we invite you to listen to recorded messages.