
Luke 15:11-32
Scandalous Love: Part II
In Scandalous Love: Part I, the Prodigal Son parable (Dec 1), we heard about the younger brother who broke the Father’s heart by leaving. In that portion of the parable we were confronted by a God who is a Waiting Father, Suffering Father, Running Father, Intimate Father, Forgiving Father and a Feast Making Father. In Scandalous Love Part II, the second part of the parable, we will identify with the older brother who breaks the Father’s Heart by staying. We all know what it means to break the Father’s heart by leaving, but staying? What does that look like? How might we break God’s heart by staying? What part of God the Father’s heart will be revealed in the second part of this text? Join us to find out.

**If you missed Part I in December or would like to rewatch: