
Luke 15:11-24
Scandalous Love: Part I

I will never forget the first time I saw the animated movie, "Finding Nemo". I was attending a conference on Jesus’ power to heal damaged emotions, and after 3 days, a bunch of us men went to see a movie. Somehow, we all landed on Finding Nemo. The most memorable moment of the movie for all of us was when the Pelican tells Nemo the great lengths his dad went to find him and rescue him. It was memorable because all of us were weeping in the front row!! So why the emotion? Why the tears? I believe it was because this small story touched on the grand story of God’s love; God as Father going to great lengths to pursue us, love us, and restore this broken fractured world to Himself. I believe this is something we all long for.
Just like you and me, the religious elite of Jesus’ day had a pretty distorted view of God, too! They had it so upside-down that Jesus had to continually correct their vision. I mean, who better to correct their view of God then the one who has always been with Him – for all eternity! Come discover more of what Jesus wants to show you about Abba Father.


Part II now available (February 9, 2025) Scandalous Love Part II - The Older Brother Who Left By Staying