
John 1:16-18

If God is invisible, how can we really know what He wants or what He is like? This is the question that the Apostle John addresses as he opens his unique biography on the life of Jesus. In doing so, he offers a preview as to how the rest of Jesus’ story will unfold – like a brief table of contents prior to the reveal. Find out a key characteristic of what God is like and how his people are to live as a result in “The New Arrangement,” part of The Gospel According to John Series.

MESSAGE STUDY NOTES (also as PDF download above)

Describe an act of kindness done to you that you did not earn.

Deuteronomy 6:2, 5-6; Romans 3:19-20; Luke 6:28, 35, 14:12-14; John 1:16-18

1. Grace is extravagant, excessive, and indulgent
2. Grace must be coupled with Truth
3. Grace and Truth show us God’s character

1. How do you think the story of humanity would have played out if God did not first bring us a covenant of law?

2. Why do you think Jesus brought both grace and truth?

If you were to love the people around you more, which do you need God’s help with the most: grace or truth?

If you were mentoring someone based on this passage, how would you coach them in what to look for in close friends or possibly a romantic relationship (if not already married)?