
Galatians 5:16-26

People are complex. We often don’t understand why we do the things we do. We throw out lines like, “What’s the matter with you?” without considering the same question for ourselves. As we continue on with The Building Blocks of Christianity, we come to a key teaching at the heart of Christianity - what “the matter” is with each of us. Yet, there is great hope! Join us on Sunday as we dive into “Sin as a Power” -  discovering how to apply the victory over sin Jesus has purchased for us on the cross.

MESSAGE STUDY NOTES (also as PDF download above)

What has been the best part of your summer so far? Why?

Galatians 5:13-17, 19-25

Repentance means changing your mind about:
1. Yourself
2. Sin
3. God
What to do:
1. Consider the Bible as “Human Thriving for Dummies”
2. Invite God into your day
3. Respect counsel

1. Temptation is often depicted as an angel on one shoulder and a devil on the other. Comparing that picture to Galatians 5. What similarities and differences do you see?

2. If someone asked you, “What is wrong with this world?”, what would you say?

Paul lists a number of indicators (Ephesians 5:19-21) to show a person is following the flesh (sinful nature, sarx). Which of these hit closest to home for you? Why?

How would you counsel someone to follow the Spirit as leader rather than the flesh?