As a part of entering into a relationship with God through Jesus, He offers the opportunity to walk in His power and gifts in order to fully experience the abundant life that He sent His Son to give us.
MESSAGE STUDY NOTES (also as PDF download above)
What is one of the most amazing things that you have seen?
Acts 2: 1-4; 38-41; 1 Corinthians 12: 4-11; Acts 3:1-13; 1 Thessalonians 1:4-6
There are lessons from the book of Acts that can be applied to our lives today.
1. God wants to fill us with His Spirit to overflowing
2. God wants to give us supernatural gifts
3. God wants to fill us and give us gifts for divine purposes
4. He invites us to receive these things
1. Have you ever experienced God moving in your life or in someone else’s life in some way? What happened?
2. What difference do you think it would make to our congregation if we kept asking God to move in our midst as He did in the book of Acts and He answered?
1. If you haven’t already done so, ask God to fill you to overflowing with His Spirit
2. If you haven’t already done so, ask God to give you the gifts of His Spirit that He desires
3. If you have already done what was mentioned in #1 & 2, ask God to continue to move supernaturally in and through your life for His glory and purposes
4. Walk in obedience to His leading in His power, wisdom, strength, etc.