

James 1:13-15

"Our Secret Battle" 
A Study of James Series / April 8, 2018

Warm up
If you could pick one television character from any show that reminds you of you, who would it be? Why?
Why did you join a small group?

Read James 1:13-15

Message Recap
Main idea: I have freedom from sin!

1. Is universal (James 1:13)
2. Comes from within (Matthew 15:19-20)
3. Can lead to death (II Peter 2:19)
4. Is not sin (I Corinthians 10:13)
How can we respond?
1.Take responsibility
2.Use the exit
3.Live in God’s grace

Questions for discussion
1.Which types of sin do you find most Christians try to distance themselves the farthest from? (i.e. “I would never …”)
2.Do you think temptation is a “secret battle” for most followers of Jesus? Why or why not?
3.How do you reconcile Romans 8:1-2 which says we have been freed from the power of sin with the fact that followers of Jesus often DO sin?


  • Of the ways to respond (see above), which one do you find the most difficult to apply? Why?
  • What would be a clear sign to you that you are living with a new sense of freedom from the power of sin?